Monday, January 7, 2013

Knights and Knaves (starting easy)

     I think that this may be my favourite type of math/logic riddle.  In a world where there are only knights and knaves...

Knights can only tell the truth.  Knaves can only lie.

     You are on an island with two towns, walking  along a road. One town is where all the knaves live, and the other is where all the knights live. You have to post a letter to your friend, but there is only one post office, and it's in the knights' town.
     You have come to a fork: one road leads to the knaves' town and the other to the knights' town. You see a man sitting at the fork, but you do not know whether he is a knight or a knave.  On this peculiar island, you are always allowed to ask one question to another person.  You have to ask him a question which determines which town is the knights' town.  Remember: you do not know whether he is a knight or a knave.

This is one of the easier questions of this type. Again, the answer is at, answer number 5.  PLEASE TRY TO FIND THE ANSWER before looking it up. (!)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Great! Could you please comment on the answer when you know it's the right answer next time? You can comment on the questions, but it would be better not to put the answer, ok? Good job, though. Should I post another one?
