Sunday, January 6, 2013

Choosing a computer

In a very peculiar shop, there are three computers, one each of three types:
-American computers, which always answer any questions truthfully,
-Chinese computers, which always lie,
-Russian computers, which sometimes lie, and sometimes tell the truth.

You want a computer that can answer yes/no questions, and you don't care if it's an American computer or a Chinese one. You do not, however want a Russian one.
The biggest problem with these computers is that they are exactly alike on the outside. The shopkeeper tells you that you are allowed to ask ONE question to ONE computer.

In this one question, you have to find out whether or not this computer is Russian.

What is the question?

To find the answer, go to, answer number 4, where there may be the answer to the question of the question. (It depends on when you look and when I put the answer up).

1 comment:

  1. "Are you a Chinese computer?"
    The American computer will say no, the Chinese computer will say no, and the Russian one might say yes. And then again, it might not.
