Thursday, July 18, 2013

Eggs in a Basket

There are six eggs in a basket. Six people each take one egg. How can it be that one egg stays in the basket?

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Islanders again...

On a certain island, the culture dictated that wives stayed home, and men did "business". The society  also dictated that if a man found out his wife was cheating, she was humiliated and kicked out by the next morning. Once a week, there was a market, and the men gossiped. It was taboo to tell a man about his wife, but other than that everyone found out about everything no later than a week after it happened.
Once, a merchant came to the island and walked around at the market. Because this was an important merchant, the islanders asked him to give a speech at the end of his stay. They were all flattered by his compliments ("What a wonderful town," etc.), but surprised to hear that he knew that there were unfaithful wives on the island.
Seven weeks later, all the unfaithful wives had been kicked out. On the seventh market day after this, there was a big announcement. "There are no more unfaithful wives on the island."
There was no polygamy on the island.
How many unfaithful wives were there originally?