Saturday, October 27, 2012

Zmei Gorynych

Ivan-Tsarevitch: A charming young prince, whose strength and bravery are known to every simpleton in the tsardom.
Zmei Gorynych: A three-headed dragon-serpent who/which dies in a couple fairy-tales and math problems. He/It likes pretty ladies and exactly what he/it does to them is unknown.
Old Lady: The wisest and most trusted people in Russian fairy-tales. Counsel-givers and rumor-spreaders.

Ivan-Tsarevitch, tired of having his "friends" carried off by the dreaded Zmei Gorynych decided to save his town by challenging him to a duel.  Now, Zmei Gorynych had no great desire to see Ivan-Tsarevitch's legendary strength firsthand, so he proposed a duel of wits, "to add a little variety", and Ivan-Tsarevitch was very relieved that he didn't have to spoil anyone's slightly modified view of his strength.
   An old lady had once told Ivan-Tsarevitch that around Zmei Gorynych's dwelling there are many streams, nine of which are poisoned. Each of these was numbered and if you drink some water from  one of the streams, then water from a stream with a greater number works as antidote. There is a tenth stream, inside Zmei Gorynych's cave, which beats all.
   Zmei Gorynych said that they should meet near the old oak tree, bringing with them water from a stream.  Each would give this water to the other duelist. This duelist was then to go and do whatever he/it could to prolong his/its survival. Zmei Gorynych was very proud of his plan, as he knew what he would do: bring water from the tenth stream that only he could access and give Ivan-Tsarevitch some. When Ivan-Tsarevitch gave him some water, he would drink some of the tenth stream, counter-acting whatever Ivan gave him.  A fool-proof plan, right?
   The next day, Ivan-Tsarevitch and Zmei Gorynych met, drank each other's water, and then went off. In half an hour, Ivan-Tsarevitch was good as new, and Zmei Gorynych was dead, poisoned.

 How? Where did Zmei Gorynych's plan go wrong?

For the answer, which I really hope you don't look up because you're gonna feel stupid if you do, go to, and I'm not putting it as a link, so that you'll think about it. Answer number two.